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Excursions relaxations :

  • Benifit from the thermal spa which 700m campsite to make a cure ( rheumatism, psioriasis, aczema, phlebology) or a re-arrangement.


Excursions Sporting

  • Descent of Ardeche in canoë Kayak every days, departure small valley bridge of arc. Possibility of transport go-return Neyrac-The-baths-small valley bridge of arc in the minibus with supplement.

  • To 2 km come to discover it Via Ferrata of the pont du diable.

  • 1 to 2 times for week in season, come to appreciate the joys of the jump to the rubber band to 2 km of camp-site to the old Roman bridge of the barrutel.

  • Accro connect jaujac to 6 km of the camping site.

  • Quad of the mountain ardéchoise, ludic excursions all the family, ideal to visit the mountain aréchoise.

Excursions Cultural

  • Many castels await you aubenas, hautsegur, medical villages such as Meyras, baladuc, theyts, ventadour, alba, antaigues...

  • The museum of silk with largentiere, the museum of the lavender with Saint Remèze, the museum of prehistory with Orgnac l'Aven, écomusé of Chirols.

  • For the amateurs of the pleasures of the table, they can discover the area with their way: sweet chestnuts, volume of goat, boletus, honey, jams, fruit juice, olive oil,wine but brandy also such as a aoc dimentions of vivarais, a local wine of coteux of Ardeche or the AOC of the Rhonen trouts, game...

Excusrions Discovered

Many sites ardéchois dazle by teir beauty seizing such as :


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